how to implement a comprehensive strategic reorientation project for the loyalty programme?
loyalty programme
Bezcenne® Chwile
(Priceless Moments)
“Expert knowledge in the area of building customer loyalty, experience in processes in the area of CX optimisation, high organisational skills and the professionalism of the team made it possible to meet the project objectives and move smoothly into the solution implementation phase.”


As part of the project,'s tasks included: a detailed analysis of the programme mechanism, analysis of initiated strategic initiatives in the area of programme development; analysis of the customer's experience with the programme, development of recommendations for changes and determination of priorities and the importance of individual prototype changes, preparation and conduct of a series of workshops optimising individual elements of the programme
The result of the process is a strategy for the development of the Mastercard® Bezcenne® Chwile (Priceless Moments) programme.